Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm from Huntersville, NC... What about you?

According to, over 50 million people visited New York City in 2012. While about 80% of visitors traveled domestically, the international market accounted for over 10 million visitors, which is more than the city’s permanent population of roughly 8 million people (

As you can imagine, people come to NYC for all types of reasons: tourism, business-related trips, entertainment, sports, etc. Unlike other destinations that may be affected by seasonal changes or economic downturn, NYC seems to be a city that is resistant to these fluctuations and is always experiencing an influx of people from around the world.

In an effort to see where all of you are coming from, our store now features a world map with a magnetic backdrop where customers can place a magnet on their home city! Please visit Short-Term Stow today and tell us where you have traveled from (and why!)! We look forward to seeing you!

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